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WAO Superclub Fridays


A new nightclub experience
| futuristic | luxurious | dynamic |

Ivy Precinct: 330 George St, Sydney

Please enquire below for more information about Hotels and Ticket packages!

As WAO Events happen every week, we are only going to sell Custom/FIT (Flexible Independent Travel) packages which include hotel accommodation, entry tickets and free drink cards. Flights and any other travel requirements are optional – please let us know if you need them in the form below.

We also sell Tables/Booths with Drinks Packages – please visit the Festigo VIP Tables and Packages page HERE for more info!

Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you on the availability of that weekend!

Check out their Socials:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/waosuperclub
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/waosuperclub
WeChat: Wao SuperClub


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